BaT Success Story: Brown, Alonso and Team in the McLaren Condor RV in the Indy 500 Paddock

The ex-McLaren 1972 Ford Condor RV that we listed drew quite a crowd 2 weeks ago, and the winning bidder really called his shot when he commented that the buyer was Zak Brown, the CEO of McLaren Racing. Little did we know that the RV would make its way to Indianapolis this weekend for Sunday’s running of the Indy 500. Check out the photos below of Mr. Brown taking delivery, and also of Fernando Alonso and his teammates talking McLaren history inside the “Papaya Condor.”

@ayjay was right… nobody else had a chance, and it couldn’t have gone to a better buyer.

The drivers are shown checking out the period McLaren hand-painted logos.

Check out the video below that shows McLaren Indy drivers Fernando Alonso, Patricio O’Ward and Oliver Askew discussing the team history inside the Condor!

The RV was used as a hospitality vehicle back in the day. The set-up below looks perfect for the era.

Be sure to tune in to the rescheduled Indianapolis 500 this weekend. We hope this rig is a good luck charm for the McLaren team!
