Bonus QotW: What Car Has the Coolest Factory Spoiler or Wing?

Last week everyone got hot and bothered about eating in the car while you shared your best driver’s snack. This week we’re jumping off from the question of the week about rally cars to talk about a rally staple: the wing.

What Car Has the Coolest Factory Spoiler or Wing?

Don’t worry too much about whether it’s aerodynamically functional or just a glorified picnic table. The utility of wings has changed over time, so anything counts as long as it was put on by the manufacturer.

From big wings to tiny lip spoilers, whale tails to active aerodynamics, we like ’em all. A visual focal point and a bit of sporty excitement make most designs better. So tell us, which car has the coolest wing?

Here’s how this works: YOU get to choose the Bonus QotW winner. Give a thumbs up to your favorite comments and the one with the most likes will get a $25 hat or t-shirt from our Gear Store.
